
I’m Jane Morgan, a recipe developer, personal chef, and virtual cooking class instructor living in Brooklyn. You can learn more about my work and see some of my recipes on my website and Instagram.

I’ll be sending out two newsletters a week with some fun bonus content thrown in. For a peek inside my brain and at what you’ll have access to as a subscriber, keep reading!

New issues of the Recipe Box will hit your inbox every Monday with a JCFY original recipe. This is where you’ll be finding almost all of my new recipes. The majority of these recipes will be vegetarian-friendly or have recommendations for vegetarian substitutes. They will always be delicious and riffable. The recipes will be accompanied by a playlist, called Pairings, for you to listen and dance to while you cook. This newsletter is very inspired by the recipe boxes I’ve admired from the women in my family. My mom’s recipe box is overflowing with printed recipes, scribbled with her notes that always make things better. My grandma’s is full of handwritten index cards for things like carbonara with bacon and the caramel cookies her childhood pen pal showed her. My great grandma’s is a huge book that I now have called Kitchen Klips, and it’s overflowing with cut-out (mostly Jello or Campbell’s soup-based) recipes from food labels, magazines, and newspapers. I love all recipe boxes, and I’m excited for our virtual one.

You’ll get a new issue of Late Night Snacks every Friday to kick off the weekend. Late Night snacks is full of musings on my favorite kitchen things, pantry staples, ingredient spotlights, looks inside my kitchen (and other people’s kitchens!), honest product reviews, tips for maximizing space in a small kitchen, and other things I find useful and exciting as a home cook. I’ll recommend other people’s recipes I love, other cooking newsletters I love, excellent cookbooks to have in your collection, food-centric charities and causes doing important work, my favorite food world people to follow, and more. I’ll also be answering a few questions a week that can be about anything you’re curious about or having trouble with in the kitchen. If you’ve been following me on Instagram for a while, you may remember early quarantine days (whew) where I was giving people recipe ideas for random ingredients they had on hand and needed ideas for. We will definitely be doing a lot more of that.

Dinner and a Show is a special monthly edition of the newsletter where I recommend a different movie every month along with recipes to pair with it. Dinner… and a show! There will be many recipes based on what the characters in the movie actually eat, and others based simply upon how the movie makes me feel. Think: It’s Complicated and croque-monsieurs, or really any Nancy Meyers movie and lemony roast chicken. There will be drink pairings, and there will be fancy popcorn recipes. The movies (and recipes) will always be comforting, and will mostly be romantic comedies.

I’m excited for this newsletter to take on a life of its own, and to build a community of people who feel similarly. Some things to look forward to: merch, group cooking classes, interviews and kitchen tours with other home cooks, open forums, cooking demos, and so much more.

Here are the subscription options:

I want this newsletter to be accessible to anyone who is excited about it, so if you would like to subscribe but aren’t currently capable of paying for a subscription, please email or DM me and we will get you all set up, no questions asked. If you’d like to gift a subscription to someone, click here. If you’d like to sponsor a stranger’s subscription, please email me at jane@janecooksforyou.com! Thank you so much for being here.


JCFY logos and newsletter design by Sarah Kennedy.

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everything I'm cooking, learning, and using in my colorful little kitchen


rigatoni enthusiast / @janecooksforyou